I love these posters.
The bold colors and the characters just jump out of the space and always make me happy to look at. They evoke the emotion and memories of good food, good drink, and really good times. They are playful, clean and simple and I just want to crawl right into the picture and join the fun!
I am matting and framing this "Isolabella" on a project in my client's kitchen / bar area and am excited to get it hung this week. Watch for a picture of it soon!

The artist is Leonetto Cappiello who was born in Italy and settled in France in his 20's. This was in the 1800's and his work remains timeless. Here are a few more of my favorites:

Hard to believe he had no formal training, isn't it?

It turns out he also decorated some interiors of private hotels and public houses but sadly only the renderings remain, as the actual locations have been destroyed. I guess he will just live on in the homes and galleries where his work hangs today, infusing rich color and endless happiness...
including my own kitchen.
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